We deliver our services under four distinct business units:

  1. Management Services
  2. Recording Services
  3. Transcript Services
  4. Engineering Services

We have determined quality objectives, performance measures, processes and procedures for each of our business units and our staff work within these structures.

We ensure that service delivery and quality is in accordance with client requirements through key strategies:

  • Client requirements determine company service objectives and performance indicators; our system is organic and has provision for staff and client input to ensure that service and product quality is delivered according to client requirements and that additional value added services can be identified and provided.
  • Individual performance indicators are aligned to company and client performance indicators; via employment contracts, induction and training, staff and supervisors are given the knowledge to do their job and clear precise directions on what their job is, what their objectives are and how they will be measured.
  • Work processes are designed to ensure that the output meets the client requirements and performance objectives.
  • Decisions can be made at the coalface to ensure service quality and timelines are met; supervisors are given the authority and sufficient numbers of staff so that they can respond quickly to unforeseen requests and occurrences such as system malfunctions or upsurges in workload. Regular meetings are held between all Business Unit Supervisors for review and planning purposes.